PumpOne.com - Fitness Goals & Testimonials

"One of the first products I ever reviewed and what started me on my fitness adventure was FitnessBuilder. Today FitnessBuilder is still the best iPhone fitness app out there. I recently went to their site to see whats new and found a great review of how the app works. I personally lost 16lbs using the app trying out exercises that I didn't even know exist. Here is a link to my experience and check out the video to see some of it's features. Videos of the exercises, the ability to track your progress , create your own workouts and share them as pdfs. If you have a iPhone and your into working out, FitnessBuilder is a must have."

- Nat Jones

"FitnessBuilder is amazing! I have been using it for about 18 months and have lose 30lbs, I've also gotten so much stronger and increased my endurance. It has so many great features like the rest timer which makes my workouts much more productive. I even used it during my rehab when I injured my knee playing football. Without doubt this is the best app I have even used. Keep up the good work."

- Andrew, Barnsley, U.K
"I absolutely love the program. It is what I have been searching for in a training program, and so very much more. It is the sole reason I bought my iPod touch. I can't thank you enough for your outstanding service in fighting this battle with me. Know that I will be a loyal customer for years to come. Thanks again for your helpfulness, and for such a fantastic program/app."

-Marsha, Indiana

"My brother and I became exercise junkies about a year ago and use this app all the time to create new workouts, find "new, crazy" things to do or simply do one of the MANY workouts provided. Great APP! This may be the best online support I have ever gotten!"
- Scott, Seattle

"I had tried other apps, but they didnt really give me any guidance, but Fitness Builder had everything. I totally transferred my body, I lost 22lbs and at the same time built a lot of muscle."

- Rhys, Cardiff, UK

"Let me just say that I'm extremely satisfied with this product and impressed by your customer support. You guys have a loyal customer in me."
- Hugo, Puerto Rico

"Since beginning to work out again, 18 months ago and after a long hiatus, I've lost the 40 pounds (net: fat lost, plus muscle gained) that I originally intended to lose and, with the help of the FitnessBuilder app and workouts, have toned and strengthened my body considerably."
- David, Chicago

"Thank you for making this wonderful app. It's the best app. on my phone."
- Ramon, Brooklyn, NY

"FitnessBuilder is truly an amazing app. The depth of information and the level of detail is astounding and the interface is top-notch. The variety of exercises offered seems limitless, which is made even more amazing by the instructions and video demonstration provided for each.  Who needs a gym membership and a personal trainer if you have FitnessBuilder? Not me."
- Chris, Utah

"This is seriously the greatest program and the continual improvements are incredible. Please please keep it up."
- Mark, Ireland

"I'm thinking that I might start having a bit of fun at the gym again, over the years, doing routine after routine, the gym has become more of a chore than my job is. I've recently started to shake things up but your program takes the work out of planning a shakeup too."
- Adam, Canada

"Thanks again for the quick replies...I love FB and can't imagine working out without it anymore"
- Kevin, South Carolina

"First at all, wow!! Fast replay. Each day that I get to know better ipump and the people behind it, I start thinking that this was an excellent buy. I just love how I can play and keep track of my training each day."

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